Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Why the United States dropped essays

Why the United States dropped essays Why the United States dropped the Atomic Bomb: Persuasive Essay The atomic bomb is the subject of much controversy. Since its first detonation in 1945, the entire world has heard the aftershocks of that blast. Issues concerning Nuclear Weapons sparked the Cold War. We also have the atomic bomb to thank for our relative peace in this time due to the fear of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). The effects of the atomic bomb might not have been the exact effects that the United States was looking for when they dropped Little Boy and Fat Man on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively (Grant, 1998). The original desire of the United States government when they dropped Little Boy and Fat Man on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not, in fact, the one more commonly known: that the two nuclear devices dropped upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki were detonated with the intention of bringing an end to the war with Japan, but instead to intimidate the Soviet Union. The fact of Japan's imminent defeat, the undeniable truth that relations with Russia were deteriorating, and competition for the division of Europe prove this without question. Admittedly, dropping the atomic bomb was a major factor in Japan's decision to accept the terms laid out at the Potsdam agreement otherwise known as unconditional surrender. The fact must be pointed out, however, that Japan had already been virtually defeated. (McInnis, 1945) Though the public did not know this, the allies, in fact, did. Through spies, they had learned that both Japan's foreign minister, Shigenori Togo and Emperor Hirohito both supported an end to the war (Grant, 1998). Even if they believed such reports to be false or inaccurate, the leaders of the United States also knew Japan's situation to be hopeless. Their casualties in defending the doomed island of Okinawa were a staggering 110,000 and the naval blockade which the allies h...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Learn Some Conjugations for the Italian Verb Telefonare

Learn Some Conjugations for the Italian Verb Telefonare When learning Italian, students naturally tend to look for grammatical patterns. Studying Italian verbs in a programmatic fashion is a wise idea because its an efficient use of time, and Italian verbs are classified in a variety of ways. When studying Italian verbs, though, avoid the temptation to make absolute comparisons to English. Although there are many similarities between the two languages, there are also many fundamental differences. Lets take a look at the verb  telefonare (to telephone). Regular  first-conjugation Italian verbTransitive verb (takes a  direct object) or intransitive verb (does not take a  direct object) conjugated with the  auxiliary verb  avere Indicative/Indicativo Presente io telefono tu telefoni lui, lei, Lei telefona noi telefoniamo voi telefonate loro, Loro telefonano Imperfetto io telefonavo tu telefonavi lui, lei, Lei telefonava noi telefonavamo voi telefonavate loro, Loro telefonavano Passato Remoto io telefonai tu telefonasti lui, lei, Lei telefon noi telefonammo voi telefonaste loro, Loro telefonarono Futuro Semplice io telefoner tu telefonerai lui, lei, Lei telefoner noi telefoneremo voi telefonerete loro, Loro telefoneranno Passato Prossimo io ho telefonato tu hai telefonato lui, lei, Lei ha telefonato noi abbiamo telefonato voi avete telefonato loro, Loro hanno telefonato Trapassato Prossimo io avevo telefonato tu avevi telefonato lui, lei, Lei aveva telefonato noi avevamo telefonato voi avevate telefonato loro, Loro avevano telefonato Trapassato Remoto io ebbi telefonato tu avesti telefonato lui, lei, Lei ebbe telefonato noi avemmo telefonato voi aveste telefonato loro, Loro ebbero telefonato Future Anteriore io avr telefonato tu avrai telefonato lui, lei, Lei avr telefonato noi avremo telefonato voi avrete telefonato loro, Loro avranno telefonato Subjunctive/Congiuntivo Presente io telefoni tu telefoni lui, lei, Lei telefoni noi telefoniamo voi telefoniate loro, Loro telefonino Imperfetto io telefonassi tu telefonassi lui, lei, Lei telefonasse noi telefonassimo voi telefonaste loro, Loro telefonassero Passato io abbia telefonato tu abbia telefonato lui, lei, Lei abbia telefonato noi abbiamo telefonato voi abbiate telefonato loro, Loro abbiano telefonato Trapassato io avessi telefonato tu avessi telefonato lui, lei, Lei avesse telefonato noi avessimo telefonato voi aveste telefonato loro, Loro avessero telefonato Conditional/Condizionale Presente io telefonerei tu telefoneresti lui, lei, Lei telefonerebbe noi telefoneremmo voi telefonereste loro, Loro telefonerebbero Passato io avrei telefonato tu avresti telefonato lui, lei, Lei avrebbe telefonato noi avremmo telefonato voi avreste telefonato loro, Loro avrebbero telefonato Imperative/Imperativo Presente - telefona, telefoni, telefoniamo, telefonate, telefonino Infinitive/Infinito Presente  - telefonare Passato - avere telefonato Participle/Participio Presente - telefonante Passato  - telefonato Gerund/Gerundio Presente  - telefonando Passato - avendo telefonato